Tachles Sales

Simon Gerstler Effective Email Writing Clinic : How to get an SDR job without SaaS experience

Alex Shandrovsky and Ilan Ifergan Season 16 Episode 1

Simon Gerstler, Boris Johnson and SDR Greatness.

Before launching a successful 20 year career in Tech Sales, Simon was the tailor for Boris Johnson, the current PM of England.

✂️ Perhaps his experience in "fitting people up" and "tailoring the perfect suit" helped me succeed in tech sales which requires the perfect personalized message for our ICP.

Simon is the Co-CEO of Israel's leading SDR and sales consultancy agency , Pipe Global.

This episode covers:

📧 Crafting the right subject line
🎯 Personalization at scale
👨‍🏫 What signs Simon trains his team to look for when prospecting,
🏆 How to get your first SDR job if you never had Tech sales experience.

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