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4 Questions Job Seekers Should Ask with Hilton Burke

Alex Shandrovsky and Ilan Ifergan Season 1 Episode 9

Many companies can offer the best possible package for you in terms of salary and benefits. However, not all of them will fit you, and you won’t fit with all of them too. As a job seeker, you should look for a company that offers you not just the best package but also the best environment for career growth. How can you tell if a company has these two things? You should ask specific questions that allow you to know the company even if you’re still an applicant. 

Join me in this episode and learn from our guest, Hilton Burke, what those questions are and why we should build our personal brand--both on paper and in real life.

[00:01 - 01:15] Opening Segment

  • I introduce Hilton and the show for the day
  • Hilton’s Top 3 Tips of the Day

[01:16 - 12:00] 4 Questions You Should Ask

  • How to start your search for SDR jobs
  • Choosing a job opening to pursue
    • 2 things to consider
  • 2 things companies look for in a job seeker
  • 4 questions a job seeker should ask

[12:01 - 20:11] 3 Parts to Highlight in Your CV

  • Hilton’s advice to get an internal referral
  • 2 keywords to write in your curriculum vitae (CV)
  • 3 parts of the CV you should highlight
  • Hilton’s take on education as a highlight in the CV

[20:12 - 29:21] 2 Ways to Build Your Brand 

  • Building your personal brand
  • Behind-the-scenes of a hiring process

[29:22 - 40:22] 1 Key Factor You Should Consider

  • Why the funding of a company matters 
  • Hilton’s tips to move forward in the hiring process
  • How to handle rejections

[40:23 - 48:41] Zero Excuses in Discussing Mistakes

  • Hilton’s suggestions to answer tough interview questions
    • Why you’re leaving your current company
    • Why you’re fired from your previous company
  • Hilton’s tips in pursuing career growth

[48:42 - 52:53] Closing Segment

  • What should job seekers NOT do? 
  • Helping each other in our community
  • Connect with Hilton. Links below 
  • Top 3 takeaways segment 

Tweetable Quotes:

“Get in the door. All you need to do is get your foot in the door...in order to do that, you need to network.” - Hilton Burke

“Have patience in order for you to grow within an organization and find out what the process is and make it clear to your boss and to HR that in the future you’d like to grow.” - Hilton Burke

Resources Mentioned:


Connect with and support Hilton on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out https://www.anglorecruits.com/ to learn more best practices to land your next job.

Connect with Alex Shandrovsky and Ilan Ifergan on LinkedIn. Visit http://saleslift.co.il/ to reach out or learn more about us. We’d love to hear from you. 

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