Tachles Sales

Real, Raw Sales Conversations; What Really Happens to SDR's with David Zeff

alex shandrovsky Season 1 Episode 5

Alright, let’s do something a little different, it’s time to get real with what we do as SDRs. Today, we’re going to do a bit of Q and A with my buddy David Zeff. With over 10 years of selling technology to hundreds of SMB and Enterprise companies across multiple sectors, David began to wrap his head around the art of sales. After being a part of 2 exits (One has a Founder and the other as a Founding Member) David has taken that knowledge into Whistle, an agency that is designed to help companies acquire customers through setting best practice sales and marketing processes and strategies, as well as deploying lead generation activities.

I can’t wait to get into the episode into some raw conversations with  David on the SDR experience

[00:01 - 01:28] Opening Segment

  • I introduce David Zeff and the show for the day

[01:29 - 06:42] Drinking From Fresh, Flowing Waters

  • David breaks down why data is important and how to use and understand it 
  • How David parses through fresh data 
  • Email validation; knowing where your email will end up

[06:43 - 17:00] The SDR’s Experience and Best Practices 

  • David’s insights on Phone
  • Best practices for SDR’s on acquisitions; with live examples
  • Confusion and Radical Transparency 

[17:01 - 23:53] Making Voice Messages Work 

  • David shares his take on voice messages 
  • How to make it work for you 
  • Staying engaged during calls as an SDR

[23:54 - 33:21] Closing Segment

  • How to know how to run your campaigns and when to look for another job 
  • Validating assumptions 
  • How can we support and reach out to you?
    • Links and Info Below 
  • Top 3 takeaways segment 

Tweetable Quotes:

“The best data suppliers, 78% of it is accurate… data is not like storing bricks, it’s like water.” - David Zeff

“I actually think that today, you can be much more honest and open and human about the way you sell… and I think you’ll do better.” - David Zeff 

“An SDR is a scout, that is your job, you are a scout. You’re trying to find out the targets in the field, that’s exactly it.” - David Zeff 


Connect with and support David on LinkedIn. Be sure to visit http://callwhistle.com/ to learn more best practices from the latest blogs. 

Connect with Alex Shandrovsky and Ilan Ifergan on LinkedIn. Visit http://saleslift.co.il/ to reach out or learn more about us. We’d love to hear from you. 

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