Tachles Sales

Aligning your outreach to the 7 steps of a VC's buying process.

Alex Shandrovsky and Ilan Ifergan Season 1 Episode 2

A proper CRM outlines the buying journey of a potential customer.

Speaking with numerous early-stage companies, I have noticed that most don't have an organized CRM for potential Investors.

This conversation is a gift from Steven Molino Clear Current Capital, LLC capital, an early-stage VC focused on alternative proteins.

During the conversation, Steve guides us through his 7-step buying journey as an investor. Reverse engineer this podcast and you have the exact buying journey of a VC.

Steven is so humble and generous with his wisdom. We go very tactical, very tachles.

Apply these insights and you will directly impact your ability to raise your next round.

Some of Clear Current Capital's portfolio companies include BlueNalu and Umaro Foods